Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Few Little Gems

Sometimes we capture little moments using the iPad and we forget to transfer them over to the computer or send them out.  Here are a couple photos and videos we captured thanks to Apple.

-- Super bedhead --

-- Noah's ark hat --

-- Dancing fool --

Remember how I mentioned earlier that Kate is starting to communicate better?  She now pretty consistently says "mama", "dada", "pup", "more", "ball", and "poop" (while I'm not overly thrilled that poop was one of her first words, it sure does come in handy).  She's also started signing better, and will sign for "more", "milk", "all done", "eat", and "thank you".  Of course, she's still most fluent in the language of grunts and pointing, but the other stuff is coming along.  She's also busy learning her animals and body parts.  Although she hasn't mastered some of the more traditional animal noises yet, like the dog, she surely knows what a monkey and a fish say.  When we sing Old MacDonald, we just imagine that he had more of an exotic animal sanctuary than a farm...

-- Animal sounds --

-- Body parts --

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