Saturday, January 26, 2013

Another Lovely Saturday

We spent another relaxing Saturday at home today.  Brandon is feeling a bit under the weather and Kate has had a stuffy nose for a few days, so the day was spent with lots of snuggling and napping (and some serious blogging!).  Here are a few pictures from the last few days, and a few videos for your viewing pleasure :-)

-- Modeling a new outfit from Auntie Boo --

-- We don't feel very we're taking a little rest --

-- Another new outfit from Vickie! --

-- It's chilly out so I'm bundled up in my fleece --

-- I <3 Mommy --

-- I love my playmate... --

-- I really do! --

-- Ane Copper loves playing with his potato... --

-- He wants me to play but I'm too busy! --

--  Getting a kiss --

-- Sometime I do some tummy time on my mat --

-- I start out like this... --

-- And the next thing you know... --

-- This happens! --

-- Poor Copper has nothing to play with --

-- I'm starting to enjoy my swing! --

-- I like to look at myself in the mirror...even though I don't know it's me yet! --

-- Mom's on bottle washing duty...yuck! --

-- Watch me kick it on my looks like I worked up quite the sweat, but it's really just drool and spit up, I promise! --

-- A little baby giggle...thanks to a silly voice from Mom --

A Busy Few Days

Today it's back to work for Brandon and I, back to the CDC for Kate, and back into the crate for Copper after the four of us spent a long weekend together.  It was so nice to get to spend three days at home with the Bean and the pup, and boy!, were they a busy few days!  Lots of things have been happening at the Snyder house as our little lady continues to grow and learn new things.  Here's some of what's been going on...

~ Kate's been sleeping through the night!  Or rather, Kate had been sleeping through the night!  See bullet #2...

~ Kate's been sleeping in her room!  I'd like to say in her crib, but that isn't entirely true.  Let me back up for a second.  First, as previously mentioned, Kate started sleeping through the night.  After much trial and error, we seem to have worked out a bedtime routine, and perfected the timing necessary for the completion of said routine, that helped to put our little bugger into Dreamland for the entire night.  We usually dunk Kate in the bath tub between 6:00 and 6:30, complete with a full beauty regiment courtesy of Johnson and Johnson Bedtime Bath, Wash and Lotion (I do love the smell of baby, but I love the smell of baby-ready-for-bed just a little more!), and some singing, then hang out for a bit before giving her her nighttime bottle.  This happens in her room with the lights dimmed while the sound machine fills the room with the soothing sound of falling rain.  Once the bottles finished we swaddle her up, rock her a bit, and she's down for the count.  Hopefully.  But lately it's been working.  That is, until we started putting her into her crib.  We finally decided (and when I say we, understand that I just mean me.  Brandon's been trying to convince me to do this for weeks and I've been holding out.  But because we're a team, he gets lumped into the baby-stays-in-our-room category) that it was time for Kate to move out of the bassinet in our bedroom and into the crib in her room. To start this transition, we began laying her in the pack n play at night. This went surprisingly well, and Kate slept peacefully and through the night there, resulting in bullet #1.  The next logical step was to move her into her room.  And this, to date, has not gone as well.  Our little wiggle bug somehow manages, several times a night, to squirm her way directly into the corner and mash her face into the wooden bars.  This of course, wakes her up, and results in her needing to be moved back into the center of the mattress.  So it seems that we traded in sleeping through the night in favor of Kate sleeping in her own room.  We'll continue to chip away at figuring out how to get it all to come together.  In the meantime, we've discovered that if we put Kate in the bassinet in her room she sleeps through the night.  Kind of the best of both worlds, but kind of cheating, since she's still not in the crib.  But hey, baby steps, right?

~ We heard our first baby giggle!  It was nearly the best sound I've ever heard, second only to her crying when she was born.  She hasn't quite mastered the skill enough to do it all the time, but it has happened and she's oh-so-close to doing it regularly.  The story of her first laugh is actually kind of cool (and yes, I probably feel that way because I'm a new momma and she's my kiddo and I think everything she does is kind of cool, but humor me).  Friday afternoon I left work and went to pick up the Bean at the CDC.  I was chatting with the two girls who work in her room, Aimee and Naomi, while I gathered up her things and got her ready to leave.  Aimee asked me if we had any plans for the weekend, to which I replied that my goal was to get Kate to laugh.  For days she'd been teasing me with it, smiling big smiles and looking like she was going to give me a giggle.  When we dropped her off at daycare on the first day I told the girls that I didn't want to know if she met a milestone (even though I know it will happen, I don't want to feel like I'm missing out on things while I'm at work.  Can you say DENIAL??) and mentioned that I thought she was going to laugh soon.  So, needless to say, this was a highly anticipated event.  A few minutes after admitting that I was going to launch Operation Baby Giggle, I was putting Kate into her car seat and chatting at her (I'd like to say with her, but we all know that conversation was a little one-sided) and I said "Are you ready to go home and play?".  Of course, this wasn't spoken as a regular  question, but with the singsong-y voice I often adopt when speaking to her.  And wouldn't you know it, the little peanut looked right at me, flashed me a huge, toothless grin, and laughed.  That's right. She laughed.  Audibly and with witnesses!  You would have thought I'd won the lottery!  I jumped up and started waving my arms and cheering, kind of like those idiots do on the Price Is Right.  I was so excited!  Aimee and Naomi couldn't believe that she did it, and frankly, neither could I!  It was like she didn't want to spend the weekend watching me clowning around in an effort to get that first little laugh out of her, so she gave it up early.  And then she did it again!  The girls promised she hadn't done it earlier, and I think I might believe them because it took two days to get her to do it again and she hasn't done it since.  I tell myself that this is evidence that she hasn't exactly mastered the skill yet, and that means that I really did get to witness the first time.  I was so excited for Brandon to have the chance to hear it too that when we got home I could hardly contain myself.  I didn't want to tell him what had happened, I wanted him to experience it.  So I walked around like a dweeb with a big grin on my face. Finally he said "Why are you being weird?  Did she laugh?" and I spilled the beans.  It took her until the following evening to do it again, but it was so worth the wait.  And this time Brandon got to hear.  She hasn't done it again but I know it's coming, and I can't wait until her little giggles fill up the house.  This was definitely the highlight of my fact, I'm smiling a big, dorky smile just thinking about it!  As soon as she gets the hang of it, I'll post a video :-)

~ Kate is three months old!  Saturday marked three months since our little one entered the world.  We took some pictures and marveled at how big she's getting, how much she's doing, and how our lives have changed since she joined our family.  We did our monthly photo shoot and had a much more cooperative baby than we did for the two month pics.  She's so bright eyed and alert and fun to interact with.

~ The newborn clothes are mostly retired.  I feel that I need to follow this up with a sad-face emoticon.  :-(

Even though I know she's going to grow, and that means that we're doing things right, I'm still a teensy bit sad when I have to retire another outfit.  Soon I'll be packing up all of the newborn clothes and moving them out of the closet to make room for the 3 month outfits that we've slowly been phasing in.  The newborn pants are getting to be too short, and the sleeves on the shirts don't come down nearly far enough, but she's still a little small for the 3 month clothes.  I'm happy it'll be a while before I have to pack away another set of outfits, and I'm loving dressing her in all of her new clothes, even though it makes me a teeny bit misty :-)

-- A little close up --

-- Living dangerously on the edge of my changing table (don't worry, I wasn't close to the edge!) --

-- Getting a clean diaper makes me happy! --

-- Say what?!? --

-- I'm three months old! --

-- And very smiley! --

-- I'm in a much better mood than I was during my two month photos! --

-- Pondering --


Kate slept through the night last night!  She could win the Noble Peace Prize and I wouldn't be more proud of her than I was this morning!  Way to go little Bug!

(Just a little note...I wrote this post about a week and a half ago, and it's been in draft form waiting for me to publish here's an update!  Kate slept through the night for a whole week!  We were loving it!)

A Relaxing Weekend

After my first week at work, and Kate's first few full days at daycare, we were ready to relax and spend the weekend as a family.  And guess what we did??  NOTHING!  It was wonderful!  Here are some pictures from our time together...

-- Copper and his skunk --

-- I've always got a little drool going on --

-- Hanging out with Dad --

-- I finally realized that these hands are connected to my body...and they're good to suck on! --

-- Someone needs a nap --

-- I'm working on mastering this rolling over thing...I can make it to here, and then I get stuck! --

-- My thighs are getting chubby...but I'm keeping them hidden in this picture --

-- Just waking up --

-- I love this thing! --

-- Mommy does this at the gym...she calls it the Superman and she doesn't enjoy it --

-- I am the wild child --

-- Still digging that Christmas dino! --

-- Multitasking --

-- Taking in the view from the top! --

-- Just watching some TV --

Hi-ho, Hi-ho, It's Off to Work I Go

It was finally here...time to go back to work.  And I was DREADING it.  In hindsight, I'll admit that I didn't start off 2013 with the sunniest of dispositions.  Instead, I spent New Year's Day moping around and tearing up at the thought of leaving Kate to return to the office.  I think I mentioned before that we were going to try to ease into the transition.  We already had Grandma Brenda lined up to keep Kate during the first week, and work was gracious enough to let me work in the office from 0700-1100, then from home for the afternoon.  Beginning on January 7 we'd take Kate to the CDC, first in the mornings only while Grandma was visiting, then for full days.

As the minutes ticked by on January 1, I got more and more anxious about the next day.  Even though Kate was still going to be at home, and I was going to be there for half of the day, I was still so apprehensive about things.  I felt like there was so much to organize and get ready, and I was worried that I'd forget something.  I knew that I'd be pumping while I was at work and, for some reason, that gave me a lot of anxiety.  Our command has a little room for nursing mothers to use to pump.  It's located right outside of our coffee shop (which I think is kind of funny...a quick fix when they run out of creamer) and contains a table, chair, loveseat, minifridge, and, most importantly, a deadbolt lock.  However, I wasn't sure exactly how it would work if more than one person needed to use it.  It turns out I didn't need to worry and we've worked out a pretty good schedule.  In fact, I kind of enjoy going down there. Right now, Kate takes 4-5 bottles at daycare, so I try to pump four times during the day to keep my output even with her intake.  I pump for 15 minutes, it takes me about five minutes to walk to the room, five to walk back to my desk, and five to adjust myself and clean things up once I'm finished.  So my average pumping excursion takes about 30 minutes.  And doing that four times a day means that I spend just about 2 hours pumping.

I worked all day New Years Day at getting things ready to go for the next day.  I was feeling pretty good about being organized--I had my clothes laid out, my pump stuff ready to go, and a bag with snacks and a water bottle all set.  And wouldn't you know, Kate wouldn't go to sleep.  Instead she cried and cried.  We took turns passing her from Mom, to Dad, to Grandma, trying to calm her down.  Finally, we decided to try and eat dinner while Brandon rocked Kate upstairs.  I had prepared our traditional pork and sauerkraut for New Years, and we sat down at the ottoman to eat.  As we started to dig in, Brandon called us upstairs for help so we left our plates and  went up to Kate's room.  When we returned a few minutes later, we caught Copper with his front paws on the ottoman, chowing down on the pork.  Once he realized he was caught he kind of jumped back, but the sauerkraut that was stuck in his beard gave him away.  The whole situation could have been humorous, but I'd added some onions to the pork...and onions are extremely toxic to dogs.  So on top of the screaming baby, now we had a potentially poisoned dog.  So Brenda took the baby and Brandon took the dog and I cried.  Turns out everything worked out, just like it usually does.  Brenda got Kate down and Brandon got Copper to throw up, and I finally got control of myself.

Come Wednesday morning I actually got out of the house on time and made it to work without crying too hard.  It helped to know that I would be back home in a few hours.  The return to the office was fairly uneventful.  It seemed I spent a lot of time catching up with people and very little time working.  But it was still so nice to come home.  Even though I was working from the office at the house, I could hear Kate and go and visit her whenever I wanted.  The first two days went quickly, and when Friday rolled around Brandon and I headed over to the CDC to turn in our paperwork and take a tour.  We met Kate's teachers, Amy, Sarah and Naomi, and got everything squared away for her to start the following week.

We spent the weekend hanging out together and even went to a going away party.  Monday morning rolled around and we packed Kate up and took her to daycare in the morning.  Brandon and I dropped her off together which made things much easier.  At lunch we went and picked her up and took her home to Grandma Brenda.  The girls at daycare said that she did well on her first day.  They gave us a little sheet that tracked her information for the day--how many times she ate, napped, and needed changed, and any other vital information.  Kate's class consists of eight babies, seven girls and one little boy.  It turns out that our friends Andrea and Josh, who we know from soccer, were starting their little girl the same day as Kate.  So Kate had a little friend in her class!  She made it through the week, and so did we.  I think I'll always feel that I rather Kate wasn't in daycare, and I'll always feel guilty for not being the person that's there with her all day, but I know that right now, I work so that Brandon and I can give her nice things.  We're working on establishing a routine and things are getting easier the more we do them.  Even though we don't love that Kate's in daycare, we're lucky that it's so close to work.  We're able to sneak over at lunch to see how she's doing.  It's so nice to take a quick peek and see her helps us to get through the day!

-- Grandma's taking good care of me while Mom and Dad are at work --

-- My playmat is my favorite place to hang out --

-- Copper keeps Grandma and I company during the day --

-- This is how I look when we get home from daycare...I had a busy day! --

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Burgh Christmas Part II

Right around New Year's we received a big box in the mail from my dad.  Grandpa had sent us Christmas presents!  So we got to have one more Christmas.  And boy, did we all make out!  It was nice to extend the holidays just a little bit more and put off the holiday hangover that seems to hit every January.  Here are some photos from the evening...

-- Kate made out like a bandit!  She got gift cards to Toys R Us and Babies R Us for sometime in the future... --

-- Lots of outfits so she can keep up her best-dressed-baby-rep... --

-- Some movies she can watch with Copper (like Beverly Hills Chihuahua!)... --

-- And a Christmas outfit with Santa! --

-- Even Copper got a gift... --

-- He loves his purple dino! --

-- A Pittsburgh gnome and a beautiful necklace...the perfect combo --

-- I'm sure this gift will NEVER get used... --

-- Still loving that dino --

-- More opening to do --

-- Our gnome found a home --

I say "thanks for everything Dad"!  Kate says "thanks Grandpa"! Brandon says "thanks Bob"! And Copper says "arf"!