Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Last Few Days of 2012

After two months of staying home with Kate, the day is finally approaching--next Wednesday I have to go to work.  I've really enjoyed my time with Kate, and have had an especially good time the last few days.  She's so much more active than she was even this time last month, and is developing such a little personality.  She's so very cheerful in the mornings, and gets cuddly and snuggly every morning at about 9:30 when she gets tired.  She loves to take baths and to listen to music.  Singing Five Little Monkeys makes her break into a big smile no matter how upset she might be when you start to sing.  She hates to be in wet pants and will pitch a fit the moment she pees, then stop crying as soon as the offending diaper stops touching her skin.  She'll stick her tongue out at you if you do it to her, and she loves to kick her legs and wave her arms.  She can hold her head up and roll from her front to her back, and the other morning I actually saw her roll from her back to her front (although I'm pretty sure it was a fluke and not a newly developed skill).  I'm constantly amazed by how much she learns each day and how she soaks in everything around her.  Here are a few videos I've taken of her doing her thing (on my new iPad Mini--what a great Christmas gift!).

-- This is why Mom and Dad call me Wiggly Bug --

-- I've come a long way from when I first came home...this holding-my-head-up stuff is getting way easier! --

I've started to grow into my play mat!  I love this thing!  It plays music and has lots of bright colors and a mirror so I can see myself.  The other day, it kept me busy for an hour.  An hour!  Mom didn't know what to do!

-- I wave my arms and try to hit the elephant --

-- There's this kid that won't stop staring at me... --

-- I love this thing! --

-- This music never gets old! --

-- Santa brought me this tummy time toy for Christmas --

-- I'm getting so big! --

-- Copper has just finished some light reading --

On Wednesday, I'll go back to work.  I try not to think about it because it makes me feel very sad.  Kate is still on the waiting list for daycare, and has remained at #3 for the last three weeks.  Because taking more maternity leave isn't really an option for me, Grandma Brenda has volunteered to come down and stay with Kate until the CDC has a spot for her.  Brandon and I appreciate this more than we can put into words.  Not only does it save us from enrolling her in temporary (and extremely expensive care), but it keeps her with someone we know and trust for just a little longer.  I know she will be in good hands at the CDC, but they aren't my hands, and that makes me sad.  Leaving her with Grandma is the next best thing.  We think it will help to make the transition easier.  Additionally, my supervisor has agreed to let me ease back into work as well.  Next week I'll go in to work in the mornings, then work from home in the afternoons.  The following week I'll be back in the office full time, but I'll have three days to start to adjust.  So wish us luck!  We'll keep everyone updated on how the transition goes.  In the meantime, I'm trying everything I can think of to get Kate to laugh.  All the books say that should be happening soon, and I'm hoping she decides to do it before I go back to work...maybe she'll give me a giggle as a parting gift :-)

Until next time...

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