Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Another Tuesday Appointment

This morning we went to the doctor for another appointment to see if anything is progressing...and, surprise!  It's really not.  We're pretty much still stuck at that 2 cm (give or take, but mostly take)/50% mark.  She also confirmed that I am having contractions, which is great because I was starting to think I wasn't.  They aren't terribly strong or noticeable, but they actually are contractions.  The doctor did notice some change in another area as well--my blood pressure.  It's been going up pretty consistently for the last two weeks, and it sparked a little concern with her.  She's on the lookout for preeclampsia, which she says isn't unusual in first time moms at this point in their pregnancy (we could have reminded her that I'd already been diagnosed with this....and miraculously recovered!), so she sent me to the lab for some blood work and I get to collect all my urine for the next 24 hours in a giant jug we'll keep in the refrigerator.  So that's exciting.  She also gave me a listing of things to look out for, like headaches or blurred vision, that would result in her bringing me in immediately to be induced.  I'm still feeling good physically, so I don't really expect that to happen, but the results of the blood work and/or urine test may still cause her to bring us in to be induced.  But if everything comes back alright, we'll just keep cruising along until October 24.  This is the magic cut off date.  If we reach this point, Dr. Owens won't let us go any longer.  We've still got the option to call and her tell her that we're ready, and she'll bring me in to get the little Bean out, but we're still going to try and hold off on that.  We'll see what the test results bring and where we go from here.

We'll keep you updated...until next time (probably tomorrow!)...

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