Monday, October 15, 2012


Today is October 15.  This means that yesterday was October 14, or as it was more commonly thought of around here, the day.  Baby Bean's due date.  And while we knew there was a pretty good chance it would come and go without incident, it has, and, I'll admit, I'm not taking it well.  Maybe I'd be doing better if it seemed like there was something going on, but I feel exactly like I did four weeks ago--except know it takes me about ten minutes to get off of the couch, my hips crack and pop like someone much older than me and it's virtually impossible for me to put my left shoe on (for some reason I can still reach down to the right--it's not easy, but it's doable)--and I'm getting very frustrated.  Brandon has remained continuously upbeat and excited, while I have become increasingly moody and crabby.  We go to the doctor yet again tomorrow morning.  I actually had to call and schedule this appointment.  The listing of pre-scheduled appointments I was given months ago didn't extend past the 40th week.  We couldn't get our regular time in the late afternoon so instead we have a morning appointment, which is good because we'll be able to get in there much earlier and see if anything has changed.  And despite the fact that I'm becoming terribly unpleasant to be around, I still don't feel willing to talk about inducing.  While another ten days seems like a life time, as long as every thing's going ok I plan to continue to soldier on (and poor Brandon will have to suffer through my mood swings).  We'll see what the day brings, and what Dr. Owens has to say tomorrow morning.

Until then...

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