Wow! Our last posting was a week ago! And as many of you know, A LOT has changed! Let's back up a bit...I'll give the abbreviated version so we can get to the good!
Brandon and I waited to get the results of the lab work Dr. Owens had ordered. Because it was early afternoon on Wednesday when everything made it to the lab, the doctor didn't make a determination until Thursday. And when she did, we were pretty surprised--although everything had come back at safe levels, she wanted to go ahead and induce us
the next morning. Although this wasn't exactly the way we had envisioned things going, we knew that Dr. Owens was doing what she thought was right, and she, after all, is a doctor, so we certainly weren't going to argue with her. We spent Thursday night trying to wrap our heads around the idea that it was our last night as a family of two (three if you count the furry baby Copper), and getting things situated for the following morning.
Friday morning we left for the hospital at 5:00 am, stopping first at Scotty and Robin Hayes' house to drop off Copper, and then continued on to Anderson for our 6:00 am appointment. By 8:00 they had started me on Pitocin, shortly afterwards I began having contractions, and by 10:30 we had started the epidural process (I know people have very strong feelings on whether or not birth should be natural. I'll admit, I was torn, but decided to go with the drugs. And I sure am glad that I did!). The epidural really kick started my labor, and I went from 3-4 cm dilated to 7 cm dilated extremely quickly. Our little Bean wasn't too thrilled about the speed of the change and she began reacting negatively--her heart beat began dropping very, very low each time I had a contraction. Because this is the Cliffs Notes version, we'll just say that we had almost seven long and scary hours where the doctor and nurses tried to calm the baby down. I was given drugs to counteract the Pitocin, and when Bean finally did stabilize I continued to have contractions, but had stalled out in all other aspects. By the time the day shift left at 7:00, Brandon and I were pretty convinced that the Bean was going to enter the world via C-section. However, someone was watching over us, and sent us a fabulous OB nurse by the name of Sammie. Sammie did her thing (and, as Brandon says, sprinkled some magic baby dust), and a little before 9:00 she had me ready to push. Dr. Owens was called in from home, and four pushes later at 9:29 pm, our beautiful Kate Louise Snyder entered the world. She weighed 6 lbs 10 oz, and was 18 1/2 inches long. Her little baby cry was one of the greatest sounds we've ever heard!
Here are some pictures from the day....
-- Early Friday morning....hoping we'll have a baby before too long! --
-- Daddy is all set, just waiting on Baby Bean --
-- After a whole lot of work for Mommy, and a whole lot of worry for everyone in the delivery room, Baby Kate finally joins the world--
-- Kate looks like she had a rough day --
-- I couldn't stop looking at her! --
-- Daddy is so in love --
-- First bath --
-- All prettied up with a bow in my hair --
-- Spending some time getting nice and toasty under the warmer --
-- All tuckered out from a difficult journey --