Friday, August 31, 2012

The Countdown Is On!

It seems like we're racing toward the big day!  Our little Bean's due date is six weeks from Sunday.  That's one and a half months.  Forty two days away.  We almost can't believe it!  We've been diligently working to prepare for her arrival (although I haven't been so diligent about keeping up with the blog).  Here's a few highlights to cover the last month or so:

- Starting next Tuesday, I will be visiting the doctor weekly.  I remember when they gave me the calendar with all of my appointments on it back in May, and thinking that those weekly appointments seemed SO FAR AWAY...well guess what?  They're here!  It's almost go time!

- The baby's room is finished!  Everything is painted, hung, in place, washed, dried, and organized, and it looks great.  We were able to get a few big items, like our glider and swing, second hand, and saved quite a bit of money in the process.

- We are official graduates of Infant and Child CPR and the Anderson Hospital Prepared Childbirth Class.  We've successfully practiced the Heimlich on dummies, waged the great epidural debate, and watched the scary birthing videos.  By this time next week, we also be educated in the art of breastfeeding (not really sure if Brandon's looking forward to sitting through three hours of class about nursing), and getting ready to take our final class called "Here Comes Baby!", which is code for "Here's-how-the-carseat-goes-in-and-the-diaper-goes-on-and-the-baby-gets-swaddled"'s Babies for Dummies!

- Our bags are packed...or mostly packed.  Maybe a better way to put it is to say our bags are sort of packed and we have a list of what we have to grab on our way out the door.  Either way, we'd have most of the things we'll want with us at the hospital ready to go.

- The baby explosion is slowly spreading from the nursery to the rest of the house.  Baby items are starting to pop up everywhere...the swing in the kitchen, the newborn lounger inside the ottoman, the diaper caddy under the tv in the basement...everywhere you look is something for Bean.

- I begin teleworking in a week.  Starting September 10, I will work from home on Tuesdays and Fridays for a short period.  By the end of the month, I'll be working full time from home.  This makes me VERY happy as I wasn't very excited at the thought of going into labor at work.

- On Thursday, September 6, Brandon and I are off for our last trip as a non-parents.  We're headed to Albuquerque, NM, for a wedding.  And before you even think it, DON'T!  I did my homework!  Travel has been cleared by my doctor.  The airline knows I'm superprego and I'll have a note that states that I'm cleared to fly so they won't turn me away.  We have a two hour flight to Dallas, a short layover, and then a two hour flight on to NM.  I do not plan on going into labor in the air.  I know where the nearest hospital is to our hotel in NM and will carry the address and my insurance cards with me at all times.  I will even pack a little outfit for the baby, just in case she decides she wants to be New Mexican by birth.  I got some sexy compression stalking to wear on the flight to help keep me from swelling up and getting cankles (we'll see how well they work!).  We're looking forward to our little adventure and the chance to see friends from all over the country.

And finally...

- We're so excited!  We can't wait to meet our little see what she looks hold her and snuggle with her...I think we're even excited to change diapers!

** I haven't done a great job on keeping up with the blog, and I've done a worse job of uploading pictures...turns out I've misplaced the charger to our digital camera.  We're on the lookout for a good deal on a really nice camera--the kind that will allow terrible photographers like me to still take nice pictures--but haven't found it yet.  So this weekend, we'll be buying a replacement charger for our little point and shoot.  When we do, I'm going to go nuts!  Pics will follow, I promise! **

Until next time (which will be as soon as that camera battery gets charged!)...

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