Friday, August 31, 2012

Friends Who Are Family :-)

Although family has already given us two lovely showers, my girlfriends in Illinois wanted to throw one for us here as well.  My friends Sarah, Robin and Kristin graciously volunteered to put it together, which is no small feat considering Sarah has an infant and just started back to teaching, Robin is juggling a toddler, pregnancy, and a full time job, and Kristin is in the process of selling her house and chasing around her 18 month old daughter.  Despite all of this, these girls took the time to put together a fantastic shower.  Once again, I was blown away by the generosity of our friends, and we got some very thoughtful and very practical gifts that will get put to use right away.  Everything at the shower was alphabet themed, from the invites to the cake to a giant alphabet poster that everyone helped to color (and is now hanging on the back of the nursery door!).  It was so much fun to hang out with all of the ladies and to catch up.  Sometimes it's difficult to not have family in the immediate area, but we are so very blessed to have so many amazing  that ARE family to us.  I have to admit that I'm relieved that we aren't the first to have a baby...many of our friends have already blazed that trail and are willing to offer support, advice, and assistance whenever we need it.  We know that the baby will have a strong family support system, and it's so nice to know that she'll have that same kind of support here in IL from all of our incredible friends.

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