Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Very Late Update

So, when I started this blog, I promised to try and be as current and timely with updates as possible.  Well, I stink at it!  It's been ages since the last update, and while, for the most part, nothing too, too big has happened, we did have one pretty significant event that took place in the last several weeks...THE ultrasound!  After weeks of waffling back and forth over whether or not we wanted to know the sex of the baby, Brandon and I decided that ultimately YES! We did want to know!  So we eagerly awaited our ultrasound appointment scheduled for May 16 (wow, I really am behind!) to find out if we would be having a little boy or a little girl.  Let me just say that we'd kind of set this as a mark on the wall.  We'd discussed names and had a short listing for each gender, but hadn't really thought much farther than that.  We'd looked at bedding and nursery décor, but hadn't really put too much work in--all because we were waiting to find out what we'd be having.

Despite all of our anticipation for the big day, we quickly learned our first parenting lesson, even before our baby arrived--sometimes, mom and dad's best laid plans don't agree with baby.  After 40 minutes with the ultrasound tech, she finally announced to us that there was no way she could tell us if Baby Bean was a boy or a girl, as he or she had his or her little legs crossed tightly THE WHOLE TIME.  Let me take a short time out to say, that in the great, grand scheme of things, this is not really that big of a deal.  Based on all the information our doctors have, our baby looks healthy.  He or she has two arms and two legs, ten fingers and ten toes.  We can see the right number of eyes and ears and chambers of the heart.  He or she has a strong heartbeat, is measuring correctly, and likes to wiggle around.  Also, as my mother is quick to point out, women have been having babies for thousands of years without knowing the gender ahead of time!  So, all things considered, if this is the biggest bump in our pregnancy road, it's one I'd happily take.  Despite all of this, I'll admit, Brandon and I were a bit lost at the end of our appointment.  We weren't really sure how to proceed, especially when the ultrasound tech told us we probably wouldn't have another scheduled ultrasound where we could check for the gender again. It was looking like we'd have to throw in the towel and start shopping for gender neutral items, but then...Dr. Owens came through!  She promised us another ultrasound tacked on to our next appointment, so maybe we'll be able to see the baby's gender.  Of course, we've learned that just because Dr. Owens, mom, and dad want something does not mean that Baby Bean will cooperate...so we'll see what happens.  The appointment and ultrasound are scheduled for the 20th of June.  I hope to be able to let you all know if we'll be seeing pink or blue after that...but if Bean is still modest and stubborn, it might be time to admit defeat...and start painting the nursery yellow! :-)

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