Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Feels Like Little Butterflies...or Gas??

I'm happy to say that I've been able to feel Baby Bean moving around in there for a few weeks now.  I eagerly awaited the first time it happened, reading all of the sections of the books that described what it should feel like.  Most of them describe it as "fluttering, like butterflies".  Well, I'm not ashamed to admit that I was so excited when I finally felt it!  I thought, hey, there it is!  And it turned out that really, it was just gas (pregnancy has made me gassier than a 12 year-old-boy, and I say that with pride, because I married a pretty gassy man!).  What a letdown!  However, I was rewarded for my little fake-out  pretty quickly, and now feel the baby move pretty regularly.  While I can feel Bean, Brandon hasn't been able to...the little movements still aren't strong enough to be felt from the outside.  I know he's been dying to feel the baby, and I'm excited for when he'll be able to do so on a regular basis.

Last Sunday, we had a cookout with some friends in honor of Memorial Day. Everyone got to partake in lots of hot dogs (which I'm not eating...too many nitrates and nitrites), hamburgers (which I'm not eating...I don't like them!), and beer (which I'm not drinking...no explanation needed), so I decided to live on the edge with a veggie burger and a caffeine-free Coke. I'm not really a big pop drinker (or soda drinker, for those of you that will make fun of me for saying pop), but every once in a while, I DIE for it.  Some poor, unfortunate man was walking down the hall at work with a Coke in his hand, and I pretty much almost knocked him down, stole if from him, and chugged it.  So I decided I should probably see if I could find some of the caffeine-free kind, before I assaulted someone over theirs.  It took me four stores, but I finally found it, and it tastes so good! :-)  So judge me if you want, but yes, sometimes I drink Coke, WHILE PREGNANT!  And Sunday was one of those days.  I quickly realized that Baby Bean either 1) really likes all the sugar that's in Coke, and jumps around a lot because he or she is happy and hyper, or 2) really dislikes all the sugar that's in Coke, and jumps around a lot because he or she is p.o.'ed at me for pumping him or her full of the stuff.  Either way, Bean gave me a couple really hard jabs, that I could feel not only from the inside, but from the outside when my hand was on my tummy.  So we commenced Operation Pump-Bean-Full-of-Coke-So Brandon-Can-Feel yesterday afternoon, and I'm happy to report, that after drinking an entire can of Coke in about ten minutes, Brandon got to feel one pretty solid kick (or punch, but we're probably dealing with a little soccer player), right into the palm of his hand!  He was happy, I was happy, and the Bean was hyper :-)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I'm so glad you are able to feel the baby and Brandon is too. It's so amazing and unlike any other experience. I'm so, so happy for you and just bursting with excitment because I know what a wonderful time this is. Enjoy every minute of it!!!! Can't wait to see you guys!!!!
