Wednesday, March 21, 2012

From Seed to Veggie to Snack Cookie?

Without further delay, here they are, the very first pictures of Baby Snyder.  Or, the very first pictures of what has become (and keeps becoming!) Baby Snyder.  The ultrasound picture on the top was from our very first appointment.  They wanted to verify that things were progressing accordingly.  So here you have it.  The yolk sack.  I have to admit, it's a little weird when the ultrasound tech keeps asking you if you see the sack, and you know she's talking about something floating around inside of you.  But there it is.  The second pic was a bit more exciting.  We could see a tiny little Bean heartbeat!  The white blob on the right side is our little Bean who, by the way, has grown to the size of a prune.  Because the picture is scanned it's hard to tell, but we could actually see where the cord was starting to develop, and every time the little Bean's heart beat (which was a lot!  that sucker is FAST!) there was a little flicker on the screen.  Our ultrasound tech promised that our next ultrasound would show something that actually looked like a mini-human.  Actually, she said it would look like a Teddy Graham.  So we're pretty pumped for that.  We'll post those pics as soon as we have them.  In the meantime, thanks for all the love and support!  It seems like maybe (knock on wood), the morning sickness is starting to slow down a little.  I'll probably be posting tomorrow cursing myself for saying that.  But one can hope!  More to come!

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