Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Little History Lesson

Chances are, if you're reading this blog, you probably know most of what's going to be written in today's post.  Our first post.  Brandon doesn't even know this is happening.  The blog!  Not the baby.  He knows about the baby.  I'm not all that great at keeping secrets, so his is well aware of our impending arrival.

Anyway, on to today's post.

As you probably know, Brandon and I moved from Virginia to Illinois about 18 months ago.  While we love the life we've put together here in the sleepy village of Shiloh, our location in the midwest has put some distance between us, our families, and some really great friends.

One of those particularly great friends (shout out to you Meisha!) happens to find herself, quite often, falling victim to a raging case of baby crazy.  Not to be confused with baby fever, baby crazy strikes when one's close friend(s) find out that they are expecting, and while you're not suddenly struck with the urge to have your own child, you want to know absolutely everything about what's going on with the parents-to-be and their new little bundle of joy.  You want to hold the new baby and buy baby things and see every little milestone, but still be able to hand the little peanut back over to mom and dad at the end of the day.  Every once and a while baby crazy evolves into full on baby stalking.  Not in the scary, draw the blinds because someone will nab your new kiddo sort of way, but in the flattering, "wow, you're really loved" sort of way.  And that brings us to this blog.

Because so many of our friends and family members don't live right down the street, or even within driving distance, it was suggested to me that we blog about our journey to parenthood.  This way, we can keep those at a distance updated in what's happening with Baby Snyder, without having to log too many hours on the old iphone.  Plus, we can upload pictures and maybe, if I can figure it out, some other cool features.  

So welcome!  It looks like you've chosen to be along for the ride.  I can't guarantee that the posts will always be entertaining, witty or funny, but I promise to try my best to at least make them timely.  And I'll do my best to keep it up for the next nine months.  I would love to promise to continue to do it once our little stinker arrives, but we've had enough friends have babies to know that I cannot even begin to fathom how things will change.  I'm going to try not to write checks that I can't cash.  So, here we go!  Stay tuned for the story of our little Bean!

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