At least a few times a week, one of Kate's three teachers (Ms. Marie, Ms. Sue, or Ms. Susan), will make a comment on how adventurous Kate is. Actually, the usually tell us that she scares the heck out of them! Since she started standing, she hasn't looked back. She loves to stand. She'll stand and stand and stand. Then her little legs get tired and start to shake, and she has to sit down. But don't be fooled, this only lasts for a second, and then she's back, stand, standing, standing. Sometimes she likes to keep her teachers on there toes by letting go of whatever she's holding onto to keep her balance. She's getting better at this, but liked to test it out way before she was ready...and several times she ended up whacking her head on something (and giving her poor teachers a heart attack). One of the teachers even calls Kate the Little Bird, because she has one specific spot where she likes to perch herself and survey the scene.
In addition to all of her standing, she's also become quite the expert crawler. And man, is she fast! She's also starting walk (I use that term pretty loosely) and can make her way around if she's got something to hold onto. We broke out the little walker at home, and she's figured out how to zoom around the first floor in it. She's pretty fast in that too, but doesn't do so well navigating turns yet. I tell her it's ok, girls aren't supposed to be good drivers :-)
Here are some photos from school....
-- My first piece of artwork! Mommy hung it on one of the kitchen cabinets for everyone to see --
-- It's Ooey Gooey day at school! --
-- Some of my classmates didn't seem like they wanted to play with the Goop, but I LOVED it! --
-- I even loved the bowl it came in! --
-- I'm not sure what was more fun...the goo, or the paper products! --
-- Corn starch and water taste delicious --
-- Now that I'm cleaned up, it's time to motor around the classroom --
-- Pausing for just a moment --
-- Reading a book --
-- My favorite spot! --
-- The Little Bird is on her perch! (and, if you look in the background, you can see the climber...I like to crawl up there and pull myself up so I can see out the window and make all the teachers nervous) --
-- Ms. Susan sent me home with some homemade play dough --
-- Feels funny --
-- I wonder how it tastes? --
-- Yuck! --
-- Kate's class picture (I know you're NOT supposed to do this, but it was too cute - I couldn't resist!) --
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