Finally! The weather is nice! We've had an awful lot of rain this spring (and even a few tornadoes in the area...thank goodness for our finished basement!) and while it didn't allow for much outdoor time, it sure did make everything nice and green. Luckily, the temperature has been pretty pleasant too, which helps with keeping everything green (although, as I type this, it's 96 outside with a heat index of 105). We've been trying to take advantage of the nice weather, and like to get outside for a little bit before dinner and on the weekends. We try to take a walk a few times a week, and have been making use of the swing we hung up for Kate in the backyard. We were able to get our garden in--albeit, a little late--and filled it with foods that Kate likes, such as sweet potatoes, green beans, butternut squash, zucchini and tomatoes. She's too little to have fun with it now, but I hope that some day in the future she likes to participate in the garden. I think it'll be fun for her to watch things grow and, of course, to eat them once we pick them. We're trying to grow herbs for the fourth summer, which means we're on to location #4 in the yard. I just can't seem to find a spot where they won't get fried. When we lived in Newport News, I was the herb-whisperer. I could grow basil and rosemary like no body's business. But not here. Every summer I try, and every summer my herbs only survive about a week. I even kill rosemary, which is pretty impressive since it's really pretty hardy. This summer we're going to try putting them on the patio, under the pergola, and if they start to look even a little damaged, we'll try moving them to the front porch, where the sun is pretty direct in the morning, but is in shadow during the heat of the day.

-- Enjoying the swing --
-- Enjoying the strap on the swing --
-- Brandon put these torches in last summer....the first one he hung up used a wine bottle from Kate and Cassie...Kate wasn't here yet when he did it, but we knew she was on her way...he chose this bottle in honor of her --
-- So far, so good on the basil --
-- Strawberries, lavender and rosemary are hanging on too --
-- Our little garden --
-- Somewhere out there, Copper is exploring --
-- Checking out what's going on over on the patio --
-- Playing with dad --
-- Swinging through of my favorite games --
-- Someone is so very excited to be in charge of the bubble gun --
-- In need of a summer haircut --
-- Chillaxin at my water table --
-- Splash, splashing (this sticking the tongue out thing is new, but she does it ALL THE TIME!) --
-- Making waves --
-- Enjoying being nice and cool --
-- Taking a little break, but keeping my eyes on the water --
-- Watching the wheel --
-- Swinging makes me sleepy --