Monday, April 1, 2013

Five Months!

March 19 marked our Bean's five month birthday!  When we look back at pictures of her from the last few months, we can't believe how she's changed.  Her little legs are starting to get rolls on them, and her hair continues to fall out in a little ring around the back of her head (it looks like she wears a sweat band).  You can tell that there's clearly some Pittsburgh in her genetic makeup, because despite her balding pattern, her baby mullet remains thick and dark.  On top of her newfound mobility, she's starting to eat more, grab for bottles when you're holding them, and she even tries to hold them herself when you feed her.  She'll pick up her sucko (that's her pacifier--we can thank Grandma Brenda and Uncle Shiloh and Uncle Dakota for that one) or take it if you hand it to her and put it into her mouth, even though it might take her a few times and it's usually upside down.  Sometimes we'll give it to her when we want her to calm down, relax, and take a nap, but she's outsmarted us--she'll lay there and suck away until she starts to get can see her little eyes starting to close and her blinks getting longer...she knows she's about to lose her battle to the sandman, so she pulls the sucko out to wake herself up.  Then she'll pop it back in and suck some more until she starts to get sleepy again...and the whole process repeats.  She's so very close to sitting up by herself, but still plops over face first every once in a while.  She no longer uses the infant insert in the baby tub--she was too long--and now she sits up like a big girl.  We put her in the shower for the first time the other day and she was TERRIFIED of it.  I couldn't help but laugh at her little face--she looked absolutely horrified.  But after a few minutes she got used to the feeling of the water on her skin and she didn't seem to mind it.  She's starting to fight back when we put her into a position she's not interested in (like on her back for any reason) and always wants to roll over onto her tummy.  This makes getting her dressed and changing her diaper difficult because she always arching her back and squirming around, and she seems to have inherited my lack of patience, so if you can't get those things done in record time, you'd better be ready to hold her down with one hand while you complete your task with the other.  She loves to watch Copper and will reach for him whenever he gets within striking distance.  He's learned to stay away after she grabbed a few fistfuls of puppy hair and didn't let go.  Even though he tries to stay at a safe distance, every so often he'll sneak in when she's focused on something else and give her some puppy kisses, but as soon as she makes a move like she might try to grab him he takes off like a shot.  We've been lucky and have been able to take her out to parties, restaurants, and other events--she loves to people watch and people are always commenting on how alert and attentive she is, and how expressive her little face is.  When we introduce her to people or she sees a new face, she gets bashful and will bury her face in your shoulder (but her curiosity always gets the better of her and she ends up peeking out).  She's started to really enjoy peek-a-boo and playing with the "mirror baby".   Five Little Monkeys remains a favorite song, but she also enjoys a little island music--Bob Marley's Three Little Birds-- and songs about frogs and ducks.

We had better luck with her five month pictures than we did with those we tried to take at four months, but our little bug just wouldn't lie or her back.  So we switched it up a little.

-- Five months old today! --

-- I'm doing some spelling --

Hilarity ensues during a game of peek-a-boo.

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