The day after our appointment we packed our bags and loaded Copper into a rented SUV to drive to Pittsburgh for my grandmother's 80th birthday party. After a very long day in the car, we finally arrived. We don't get to Pittsburgh very often, and when we do we don't usually get the chance to see everyone, but it turns out that we were all able to make it into town that weekend. In addition to my grandma's party, my mom put together a little baby shower for us Saturday evening, complete with an ice cream cake that had little baby booties on it. We got so many thoughtful and generous gifts from family and friends. It's overwhelming to think about how loved our little Bean will be (she's doing somersaults while I write I think she agrees!). I was also able to bring home some things that were mine when I was little, including a handmade cradle, a variety of outfits that my mom and grandma made for me, some blankets, a little wall hanging that hung up in my room when I was a baby, and finally....the Alphabet sweater. This probably doesn't mean much to anyone without the last name of Hamilton, but for us, it was a big deal. Grandma Petey's next door neighbor, Rita, whom I have known forever, knitted many gifts for us throughout the years. One of these gifts is a white sweater with the letters "A, B, C, D" on the front in solid, primary colors. Each Hamilton child had his or her picture taken in that sweater at one point during their lives. I'm happy to say that Bean will be no different. And don't worry Mom, we'll be sure to get it to the next person who has a baby so they can do the same!
Belly shot from our Pittsburgh trip...yes, I'm standing in the corner, and no, it's not because I was just happened to be where the light was the best!
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