We closed out 2013 with a trip to the doctor to check and see how our newest little stowaway is doing. And thankfully, he or she is doing just fine! The doctor gave us an order for an ultrasound to verify the due date, and we were spot on. The little one should be here on August 4th, which means, if he or she is anything like Kate, that it will probably be closer to the 9th or 10th of August. We followed our big appointment up with a quiet night at home to ring in the new year--in fact, I think we were in bed by 10:30! But even though we didn't see the ball drop, we're excited for all of that 2014 has in store for us.
Like so many of the past few months, January passed by in a blur. The winter has been pretty rough here (and everywhere else too!). We've had more snow than any other winter we've spent here, and it's resulted in a full day off from work and six or seven late starts. It's been bitterly cold and we've been confined to the house. Even poor Copper doesn't want to venture outside. Luckily, we've got plenty to keep us busy indoors, and we've even had some visitors. Now that he's retired, Grandpa Bob has lots of extra time (that's kind of a joke--he's remodeling his house!) so he drove out to see us. We did a lot of hanging out, but also ate some really good food! We hope he'll be back to see us again soon. Brandon started up with grad school classes again so he is often in the office, working on homework. I finished my program in December, and am eagerly awaiting my piece of paper from Webster to make it official. Kate is communicating more and more. She's learning more words and has started using more baby sign language. She gets so frustrated when you don't understand what she's trying to say or tell you (it's still mostly grunting and pointing) and it will probably be a blessing once she starts really talking. I'm working on uploading a video of our little "chatty Cathy", but so far, no luck.

-- Santa brought me a kitchen, and I love, love, LOVE to cook! --
-- Making some wooden cookies --
-- Doing some shopping with my grocery cart --
-- Wearing my favorite accessory--my oven mitt --
-- "Slice and bake" cookies --
-- Getting a puppy kiss --
-- Sporting some pigtails and Puma --
-- Stylin' --
-- Daddy wanted to take our picture before work, but I just wanted to go back to bed --
-- Taking a bite of play-food potato --
-- All dressed up (can you tell I'm getting teeth??) --
-- Doing some cooking on a Saturday morning --
-- Opening a late Christmas gift --
-- I wasn't quite sure what to do at Christmas, but I sure know now! --
-- Doing some reading in the "comfy spot" on the couch --
-- Giving Mom "the FACE" --
-- Opening gifts from Grandpa Bob --
-- Doing some reading with Grandpa --
-- Chowing down on some spaghetti --
-- Tea time with Daddy --
-- Stirring the pot --
-- I found a new spot to sit...sorry Copper! --
-- Giving hugs --
-- Showing my Pittsburgh pride for the Superbowl --
-- And showing my Pittsburgh pride by eating peirogies! --
-- Chatting on my phone --
Until next time! Love from the Snyders :-)